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Our School held a Faculty Meeting for the Autumn Semester of 2023

“The four seasons are all favorable, and the new autumn is the best.” On the afternoon of Aug.30th, our school held a faculty meeting for the autumn semester of 2023 with the theme of “working hard to open a new situation and working together to draw a new chapter. The purpose of the meeting is to unify ideas, build consensus and draw a better chapter for our school. The meeting was hosted by vice principal Pan Junyu.


At the beginning, vice principal Pan first extended the most heartfelt gratitude to the staff who stuck to their posts and worked hard during the summer vacation and showed sincere greeting to the staff who went out to communicate and learn and those who cared about the health and safety of the teachers and students.Then he shared several big events and good events of school during the summer vacation. The first was that mayor Qin Weizhong visited our school to conduct a research with a team and fully affirmed the school’s professional construction, school-enterprise cooperation and school-running results. The second was that our school had successfully completed the recruitment work. The enrollment of this year was extremely hot and the registration rate of freshmen for the first two days was close to 90% which fully showed that our school-running effectiveness had been recognized by all sectors of society and the public. The third was that the campus environment had been improved and taken on a new look.


Aim at the Target and Clear the Direction

The new school year is the first school year after the implementation of second-level management of school department and a crucial year for our school to reform, take advantage of the situation, achieve high-quality development and construct a national first-class secondary vocational school. Make a good start for the overall plan and with a clear goal. Vice principal Zhan Minling explained the key points for the school work in the 2023-2024 school year at the meeting. She put forward 23 specific tasks for this school year from five aspects: strengthening the guidance of party construction, implementing major projects, improving quality of running school, cultivating new people of the times and improving governance capacity with specific requirements and clear objectives.



A nine-story platform starts from the accumulation of soil. Principal Zhan said in the new school year she believed that with the unremitting efforts of the whole staff we would surely bear abundant fruits and push the high-quality development of our school to a new stage which could be gifts presented to the 40th birthday of our school!


Be Down-to-earth

Improve the Teachers’ Key Abilities Comprehensively

Without high qualities of the teachers there won’t be high-quality classes. In order to promote the teachers’ self-development, the improvement of the school’s teaching quality and the long-term development of our school, party secretary Tang Fei personally deployed and planned the key ability improvement project for the teachers.



With the theme of “Down-to-earth Gathering and Looking up at the Starry Sky for Development”, Yu Jiang, Director of the Teaching Affairs Office, combined with experience of studying in Tianjin during the summer vacation, put forward six measures to improve teachers’ key abilities from their roles and missions, and planned a clear route for teachers’ growth.


Scientific Evaluation 

Promote the Professional Development of Class teachers

Strengthening the construction of the class teacher team is the top priority of the three-round education work in our school. In order to strengthen the moral education and further improve the professional abilities of class teachers, our school drafted the Assessment Measures for the Class teacher Management(draft for opinions). Qu Lan, deputy director of the Students Affair Center, explained the core contents to all the teachers.



Qu Lan said that our school would promote the professional development of class teachers by five measures including implementing the system of class teachers holding certificates, regularly carrying out training and sharing activities, holding class teacher ability competitions, conducting moral education research and constructing the workshops of famous class teachers. 


Initial Heart with the Most Sincerity

New Teachers with New Power                                                

In the new semester, a group of outstanding graduates joined the big school family with diligence and initial intention of education.



Guo Haisen, a teacher from the Electronic Information Department, made a speech on behalf of the new teachers. He first thanked school for providing them with a platform to realize personal values and contribute meager strength to education career.


As new teachers, they would take the initiative to consult the predecessors, prepare for class, treat every student with equality and respect, offer effective guidance to the students and help them achieve better learning results.


They would also actively cooperate with the work and arrangements of the school and contribute their wisdom and strength to the vigorous development of the school.


Keep Pace with the Times

Face up to the Goal and Move Forward

At the end of the meeting, party secretary Tang made a concluding speech. He pointed out that in the new school year there would be many new changes in the school and much work need to be implemented one by one. He hoped that the teachers would be unafraid of difficulties like the petrels, go ahead toward their goals step by step with rhythm and perseverance and put the starry sky in their hearts. How big their hearts were, how broad their prospects would be.



The first was to adapt to the new changes and embrace the new future. In recent years, our country attached great importance to vocational education and various favorable policies were continuously introduced which led to higher and higher requirements for vocational education. As vocational educators, we should adapt to the changes of the times, actively embrace the reform, be unafraid of difficulties so as to take advantage of the wind, break the waves and move forward vigorously.


The second was to adapt to the new evaluation and build a new system. This year, the municipal education bureau conducted performance appraisals for 59 universities, primary and secondary schools and kindergartens for the first time and set detailed index parameters. Our school would soon introduce a scientific, fair and operable evaluation system to better promote the high-quality development of the school.


The third was to be upright, innovative and stick to the goal without relaxation. Combining the “Eight News and Eight Forces” put forward at the beginning of the year, party secretary Tang pointed out that although we had already made some achievements, we should aim at the goal and continuously push forward to ensure every piece of work achieve greater results and reach new levels.


The fourth was to establish a new school spirit and a sense of ownership. Over the past year, our teachers had been positive and enterprising with higher enthusiasm in work. In the future, we should continue to forge ahead, be brave in taking responsibilities and be willing to contribute to promote the high-quality development of the school.


Empower a new era and work together toward the future. In the new semester, the staff will make great strides and strive for the first place with a more positive and enterprising attitude, a high-spirited attitude and a pragmatic and rigorous style, showing the core responsibilities of vocational teachers in the new era!

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